



我们可以说“It’s so hot”,意为“太热了”。这个表达方式是最常用的,简单明了,直接表达出了我们的感受。

另外,还可以用“It’s boiling hot”来形容极度炎热的天气,其中“boiling”表示“沸腾的”,可以借用到空气中,形容天气炎热到了极点。

除此之外,我们还可以说“It’s scorching”,意为“灼热的”。此时,我们可以感受到身体就像被太阳的火球所灼烧一般。

如果你更想表达的是此时热得让人喘不过气来,可以说“It feels suffocatingly hot”,或者“It’s sweltering”,后者意为“闷热难受的”。

此外,还可以用一些比喻来形容天气炎热。比如说“It’s like an oven outside”,意为“像烤箱一样热外面”,或者说“it’s like the surface of the sun”,意为“像太阳表面一样热”。

当我们感到“好热”时,不仅可以简单明了地直接表达出“it’s so hot”,还可以运用其他更具形象的表达方式,来形容炎热的天气,让我们的英语口语更加生动有趣。


Today's weather is scorching hot!

The scorching summer sun beating down upon us can actually make for a good source of vitamin D, but it can also be dangerous and quite unpleasant. Hot summer days can lead to heat exhaustion, dehydration, sunburns, and other heat-related illnesses. It is important to stay hydrated, avoid midday sun exposure, and seek shelter in shade whenever possible.

When out and about on scorching hot days, it is essential to wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that allows your skin to breathe. In addition, make sure to use a high sun protection factor (SPF) sunscreen to lessen your chances of sunburns and other skin damage. If possible, try to avoid spending time outside during the hottest parts of the day, usually between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Staying hydrated is the key to keeping healthy on hot days. Drink plenty of water or other hydrating fluids like sports drinks, coconut water, or aloe vera juice. Avoid alcohol, coffee, and sweetened drinks like soda or fruit juice, as they can dehydrate you and exacerbate heat-related symptoms.

If you must go out in the hot weather, take breaks frequently and find a cool, shady spot to rest. A cool bath or shower can also help alleviate symptoms of heat-related stress. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you have any chronic medical conditions that could be affected by the heat.

In conclusion, while the hot summer sun can be enjoyable and provide some health benefits, it is important to be mindful of its dangers. Staying hydrated, seeking shade, and avoiding the hottest parts of the day are all ways to protect yourself and stay healthy in hot, scorching weather.



