
春开经验网 猜你喜欢 2023-11-04 16:54:59 英语



Colds are a common illness that everyone has dealt with at some point in their lives. However, if you're studying English and need to know how to talk about this ailment in English, here are some useful phrases to add to your vocabulary:

1. I have a cold - This is a simple phrase to convey that you are sick with a cold. It's a good starting point in a conversation with someone if you're not feeling well.

2. I woke up with a sore throat - Throat pain is a common symptom of a cold. If you wake up with a scratchy or sore throat, you can use this phrase to describe what you're experiencing.

3. My nose is stuffed up - When you're congested, your nose can feel blocked or stuffed. This is an accurate way to describe that sensation.

4. I have a cough - A cough is a common symptom of a cold. If your throat feels scratchy and you're coughing, use this phrase to describe what you're experiencing.

5. I've been sneezing a lot - Sneezing is also a common symptom of a cold. If you find yourself sneezing frequently, you can use this phrase to describe what's been happening.

6. I'm feeling achy - When you have a cold, you might feel achy or have body aches. This phrase can help you convey that you're experiencing these symptoms.

7. I'm taking medication - If you're treating your cold with medication, you can use this phrase to let someone know that you're taking medicine for your symptoms.

8. I need to rest - Resting is important when you're sick, and if you need to take a break from your usual routine to recover, use this phrase to communicate that.

By familiarizing yourself with these phrases, you'll be able to speak effectively about your cold in English. Remember to take care of yourself and rest up until you feel better!


Having a cold is a common condition, especially during the cold season. It is caused by a virus and can be spread through contact with an infected person or by touching contaminated objects. The symptoms of a cold include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever.

In English, the common term for a cold is “common cold”. If you want to ask someone if they have a cold, you can say “Do you have a cold?” or “Are you feeling under the weather?” “Under the weather” is an expression meaning “not feeling well”. If you are the one who has a cold and want to let someone know, you can say “I’m dealing with a cold” or simply “I have a cold”.

To describe the symptoms of a cold, you can say “I have a runny nose”, “I have a sore throat”, or “I’m coughing”. If you have a fever, you can say “I have a temperature” or “I’m running a fever”. It is also common to use the expression “I’m feeling a bit achy” to describe the general discomfort that comes with a cold.

When it comes to treatment, there are various over-the-counter medications available to alleviate the symptoms of a cold. You can say “I’m taking some over-the-counter medication for my cold”. You can also try natural remedies such as drinking hot tea with honey or taking a hot shower to help clear your sinuses.

In conclusion, having a cold is a common condition that can be easily described and treated using simple English expressions. It is always important to take care of yourself when you have a cold, by resting and staying hydrated.



