


If you were asked by someone "how are you doing?" and you responded with "I'm very busy", it's likely that you're not alone. We all lead increasingly busy lives, and it can feel like there are never enough hours in the day. However, how do you express "我很忙" using English?

The most common and natural phrase is "I'm very busy". This phrase is short and simple yet effectively communicates the message- you are not available or have little free time at the moment.

Additionally, "I'm swamped," "I'm overloaded", or "I have a lot on my plate" are alternative ways to express 'I'm very busy'. These phrases can add more emphasis to just how busy you are or how much work you have to do.

If you would like to give a more detailed response about your schedule, you could say "I have a lot going on right now". This phrase will imply that you have many things happening, such as work, meetings, or commitments you need to attend to.

Lastly, if you're feeling very overwhelmed, try saying "I'm drowning in work." This phrase has a more dramatic tone, but it expresses that you're currently struggling to keep up with your responsibilities.

In summary, when expressing "我很忙" in English, "I'm very busy" or "I'm swamped" should be the most straightforward approaches. But, if you want to clarify a little more about your schedule, you could use "I have a lot going on right now," and if you're feeling overwhelmed, try using "I'm drowning in work." Regardless of which phrase you choose, it's okay to acknowledge that you have a busy schedule and you need to focus on your priorities.


There are various ways to express the idea of being busy in English, depending on the context and the level of formality required. Here are some common phrases and expressions that you can use to convey the message of being occupied or preoccupied:

1. I'm very busy - This is a simple and direct way of saying that you don't have much free time because of work, study, or any other commitments. You can also use other adjectives to express the degree of busyness, such as extremely, quite, fairly, or really.

2. I have a lot on my plate - This idiom implies that you have many tasks or responsibilities to attend to, and you may not be able to handle more at the moment. It can also suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

3. I'm swamped - This slang expression suggests that you are inundated with too many things to do, and you are struggling to keep up with them. It can also mean that you have more work than you can manage alone and need help.

4. I'm tied up - This phrase implies that you are engaged in something that requires your full attention or that you are not free to do something else at the moment. It can also mean that you are committed to a previous engagement or appointment.

5. I'm buried in work - This hyperbolic expression suggests that you are buried under a mountain of tasks, projects, or paperwork, and you may not resurface anytime soon. You can also use other metaphors to convey the same idea, such as drowning in work, drowning in emails, or buried alive in meetings.

6. I'm running behind schedule - This phrase implies that you had planned to do something at a certain time or date, but you are delayed or falling behind due to unforeseen circumstances or other priorities. It can also mean that you have a tight deadline and need to prioritize your tasks.

7. I'm up to my ears/neck in work - This idiom suggests that you are fully immersed in your work and have no time for anything else. It can also imply that you are in a situation where you have to handle more work than you can handle comfortably or without stress.

These are some of the ways to express that you are busy in English. You can choose the one that best fits the situation and your personality, but remember to always be honest and realistic about your availability and commitments.



